Might be cool but do we want to spend over $2 million for a woman's basketball coach. Better to save that money in case we have to look for a new men's hoops coach or if things go bad for Oeaux put it in the Jimbo fund.
that place was great. now its the haunted/escape house. they used to have a massive stuffed bear. perhaps a grizzly. i cant remember. i do remember it was massive.
Definitely worth it. I saw a conservative plan laid out where the women’s basketball could pay it, itself.
i had been out of the loop of LSU admin for many years. but now i realize alleva was a total shitfuck during the duke lacrosse case. and he failed to properly circle the wagons for wade. that guy is a real asshole. good riddance.
No doofus, it isn't. No one watches that crap. In fact LSU might be one of the only places where 2 sports actually make money because of our baseball team. There is absolutely NO reason to go headhunting for a girls coach. Zero, nada, zilch
Make tiga the coach. Pay him a decent living wage and a big bonus if he gets through the season without any restraining orders.
You have to excuse our resident idiot, he thinks girl sports actually matter. I'd guess it stems from his coaching girls T-ball or something like that.