@thebench990am Breaking News Sources have confirmed major changes to LSU Administration and Athletic Department to come soon! **** Coaches not involved**** @davidfolse @FletcherWDSU @JacquesDoucet @SeanFazendeFOX8 @DMoutonWWL I heard there was a meeting last night and changes were made. Hopefully it's true. This just came across Twitter but it's not the local show here.
I thought it was a good thread topic. With the other financial problems coming to light, coupled with the WW deal, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some changes made.
Why not? There are lots of obvious reasons to fire Alleva but Kung Fang Woo's theft of over $800k came on F**King's watch.
Yeah this Richard Lipsey is a firearm distributor with revenue over 250 million. Sounds like someone we should know. Theres probably a process. No news on local radio I guess I was duped. I'm holding out hope.
Lipsey was the owner of Steinberg's Sporting Goods. I could spend hours in there looking at all the great stuff. I was walking to the store from the parking lot on the day after Jerry Stovall got fired when Stovall walked out holding a new shotgun. I wondered if he was about to go postal.
Do you reckon he was called Dick Lips as a kid. The local guys tried to ignore it but finally gave in. http://www.wafb.com/2019/03/19/form...tion-calls-removal-top-ranking-lsu-officials/
Whos clock is ticking faster. Joe fka or wades. 4 LSU officials making 6 figures resign after they didn't get Louisiana driver's license, registration BY WILL SENTELL | [email protected] PUBLISHED MAR 22, 2019 AT 2:45 PM | Four highly-paid administrators at LSU have resigned their posts after they failed to comply with a state law that requires them to register their vehicles and get a Louisiana driver's license, officials said Friday. Three of the four also spent part of their time working for LSU from Illinois, sparking controversy on whether those privileges won proper approval. They are Andrea Ballinger, chief technology officer, $268,000 per year; Matthew Helm, assistant vice-president in information technology services, $202,085 per year; Susan Flanagin, director in information technology services, $149,000 annually and Thomas Glenn, director of information technology services, $144,200 annually. The law requires that unclassified state employees who are paid more than $100,000 per year provide proof to their employer within 30 days of hiring that they have a Louisiana driver's license and that any vehicle registered in their name be registered in Louisiana. All four started work at LSU in 2017. The audit said Ballinger was hired on March 1 of that year; Helm, Dec. 18; Flanagin, Aug. 7 and Glenn, May 1. In addition, three of the four were provided stipends to help with moving expenses. Ballinger was paid a $20,000 relocation stipend; Helm, $15,000 and Flanagin received $5,000, the report said. All four established residences in Baton Rouge. "Each of the employees acknowledged not having obtained a Louisiana driver's license or registering their vehicle in Louisiana," according to the report. "The employees explained that their primary/main residence is the state of Illinois and following Louisiana law would require them to violate Illinois state law," it says. "When asked if they would be willing to register their vehicles in the state of Louisiana or obtain a Louisiana driver's license each employee stated they would not be willing to do so," the audit says. Auditors also said the four officials said it was only during questioning that they learned about the state law and if they had known in advance they would never have taken jobs with LSU.
Man I wish I had that many place holders in my annual income. Register my truck, shit, I’d give it to them.