Remember when you were drinking and maybe wrecked your dad's truck and had to tell him. I do. It looked just like this. That's a man who didn't sleep and also didn't realize the 2 soyboys weren't gonna back him. Could they have folded any faster. Who wouldn't want to coach for them. We should have followed UNCs lead and deny deny. Not Missouris. Admitting shit to a board of cucks never ends well for you. Instead of consideration they make an example of you.
If he didn't say anything wrong in the phone calls, then the right answer is, "there's nothing on those phone calls to be worried about". Instead, he said, "I'll have to read what the report says before I respond". So, he knows they know, he just doesn't know how MUCH they know.
on tos there’s mention of a BOS member Lee Mallet indicating that LSU askied wade to come and discuss but wade’s attorneys said no thus the suspension