so none of you can describe what is wrong with paying players, and you think he should have anticipated that the FBI was violating his privacy
to be clear, in this analogy, you side with the cops, who are putting people in cages for something that should not be illegal? they deserved it? who is the victim of their crime? seems to me like even in your analogy you are siding with the folks doing the crimes against humanity, literally putting people in cages and taking them from their families.
My favorite place for 'smart' thinking was on the river side of the levy. That was a half century ago and some of those 'smart' people are sill my best friends.
its levee. do you think rosa parks is stupid for getting caught? surely she knew they would arrest her. seems to me you dont care if the rule itself is just.
The purpose of the analogy was to try to help you understand - which is apparently not possible - on how Wade fucked up. I don't see how you can interpret my analogy to say I was siding with the cops, who I routinely referred to as 'the pigs' in those days. I've grown up since then. He broke the rules he agreed to abide by when he took the job. It doesn't matter if you think the rules are right, fair, or even good. It doesn't even matter if everyone is doing it. Everyone speeds on I- 10; some get caught. The judge never says - well son everybody does it so I'll let you off. Wade not only broke the rules he had agreed to follow - he did it big. Then lied about it/or refused to discuss it when his boss asked about it. You can't do that in any job. You especially can't do that if you're highly paid representative for the university. I don't understand how you can't see that. Wade could see it, which is why he tried to sneak around with it. He was just really really bad at sneaking. I know this is something you care about, something important to you; that's why I've tried to explain it. But this is my last attempt, I'm done with the subject. Because like my signature says "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you".
Why does it not surprise me that you are anti-cop? Take your Biden-ass and please go to another country. You don't deserve to live in this wonderful country. So sick and tired of these crazy, radical democrats like yourself trying to destroy this beautiful country we live in. Go get a price for an airplane ticket to another country and I promise you we will get the money to get your anti-police ass out of here. You're scum of the earth, bud!
When a rule or law is unjust you should protest it. But always know that the authority enforcing the rule/law will push to keep it in place. Yes Rosa knew there was a good chance she would pay a price for her actions. But she was courageously determined to bring attention to the unjust law. Wade's actions really don't correlate to Rosa Parks; he is more aligned with Bobby Petrino.
your analogy explicitly was favoring the cops. else why do you think wade should be fired? to think wade should be fired is exactly analagous to siding with the cops. your analogy is useful in that it shows a stupid rule and an unjust act happening to people because of it. of course it does. it matters a whole lot. again. in your analogy with the pot smokers, they shouldnt be jailed at all. because the the law is wrong. you dont just say "well the law is bad but its still good they are placed in a cage and taken from their families". whether the rule is right is the whole issue!
This conversation has really swerved into the Twilight Zone. We went from Wade never coaching to Rosa Parks and cop hating. Only on TigerFan!!