As true as this statement may be, unfortunately we aren't being given a quality selection to instill the change We The People may want. As has been pointed out by many, it is more of a lesser of 2 evils rather than what would be best.
We don't know that. 2 years ago 53% of the voters thought they were electing "The Savior" and look what happened. If the newly elected congresspersons are truly committed to reducing the debt, creating jobs and giving the country back to the people, good things could happen. The "lesser of 2 evils" thing is being propagated by the Dems. There's only one evil that we're absolutely sure of.
As much as I would like to think this is possibly true I unfortunately have no really confidence in any of our current administration, nor any of the potential candidates who want to fix what is obviously broken. I think that the underlying motive of the majority of the political affiliates is tainted with personal agenda's and not what is best for the country nor its people. A jaded view, unfortunately yes.
It's a justifiable view that you have. I'm just feeling a little better now that it appears we will diminish the power of the 3 Musketeers.
and you think i need to get a grip. i think you need to add a couple more lumps of reality to that coffee every morning.
which goes back to my voting to try to keep there from being a monopoly on the exec and lege branches by one party. i just dont think that is good when it is either party. the extremes from either end then take over and run amok. (btw, amok is a good word.) we see it now in wash and i hope that gets broken up. i will be making some of my state office choices to hopefully prevent that from happening at the state level.
Party In Power - Congress and Presidency - A Visual Guide To The Balance of Power In Congress, 1945-2008
It sounds like the owners and the players' unions in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. They blame each other but ultimately it's the fans that pay the price. Behind the scenes they're probably laughing all the way to the bank.
Not that Vitter and Landrieu are great but having one from each party has helped Louisiana. We always had two from the same party and we always got what we asked for...nothing! Hopefully Melancon won't win or we'll be back to the same crap we had for 100 years.