Check out this Boston Globe article on how to live without air conditioning. Nowhere in the article does it say THEY are living without air conditioning at the Globe.
CO2 is not a problem! There is no science unambiguously establishing that CO2 is the chief cause of the warming observed since the end of the Little Ice Age. The opposite has been repeatedly demonstrated. Ice cores have revealed that changes in CO2concentration follow, rather than precede, changes in temperature. During the last deglaciation, the latest high-resolution records show atmospheric CO2 lagging temperature by 50 to 500 years. Our enterprises and industries return to the air some of the CO2 that was formerly present there, and some warming may be expected. That warming will be small and beneficial.
The New York Post reports that, “Carbon dioxide, CO2, is emphatically NOT a “pollutant.” All living things are built of carbon that comes from CO2. An increase in essential CO2 in the atmosphere will be a huge benefit to plants and agriculture. Satellite measurements show that the increase of CO2 over the last few decades has already caused a pronounced greening of the planet — especially in arid regions.”
The problem with enviromentalism is yes you guessed it what else WHITE PEOPLE! Cant make this shit up.
Joke is on us Gore has "gored" us
Yes and I supply the power for your computer so you can come on this blog and make a jackass hypocrite out of yourself. You gonna walk the walk and give up your shit or not?
Until then you depend on me to keep your sorry ass comfortable, hypocritical and ignorant. BTW since you libtards are usually godless worship your false god