They have a blank space where you can add him in and cast the vote for him.:geaux:
Probably said sarcastically, but he really is having a pretty good year. There have been a few heisman winners who have been great in the NFL, so it's not a deathtouch in itself. It's just that usually what makes a good college player doesn't translate.. *COUGH*ERIC CROUCH*COUGH*
Most Heisman winners are just players on very talented teams put in a system to give them really good numbers. Then they head off to the NFL where suddenly all the players are better and more experienced than you are. That's why guys from LSU are so good...because our coaches don't try to boost our players stats, they develop them as football players and quality people...which translates to success in the NFL
Not really said sarcastically. I don't much care for the Saints, but mainly just because I don't care much for the NFL... Reggie has been one of my favorite players though. I watch the Saints mainly to see him (and a few others) play. I like his attitude too. Say what you will about USC, but most of their players are classy.
I don't know that I've ever disagreed with you JayB, but get ready, cause I'm fittin to... Classy is not taunting DBs and LBs as you're about to cross the goal line. Bush does it consistently.
Thats in the middle of a game. If you define a persons character by that you might as well say Byrd is has no class because he taunts people for being blind. Reggie does way more good then bad, that is if you dont include him running the ball.
Byrd doesn't do that as he's about to score a Touchdown at the defender. The team does the wave to the crowd as a celebration, there's a difference between that and a taunt. Bush has been known to taunt players during the game...think back to NFC championship game in 06...not very classy at all Neither is somersaulting into the endzone...