Voo Doo

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by phildman, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. phildman

    phildman Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2004
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    Well every knows that New Orleans is known for Voo Doo. So this is my hypothesis, Saban met up a witch in New Orleans a few nights before the game. He asked her to put a curse on LSU, so that we would come in to confident, then also asked for Voo Doo doll shaped as such, :miles:. So each time Les went to put Lee in, or make a game plan change, a assistant of Sabans just pulled and prodded on the doll, making Les rethink his decision....

    Other hypothesis I have are that Saban kidnapped Les's family, or Lee slept with Les's wife.

    Otherwise I have no clue to why this insanity happened, it's like your worse nightmare.

    This is just a joke, my best try at humor, something that normally escapes me...
  2. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Laughter is the best medicine and I've been attempting to create some myself to get over last night. I resisted replying to all of the various comments on fb but finally had to say 'Congrats Bama, "That's all I have to say about that."

    Not sure if any of my 'friends' will get the reference but thought it was mildly clever on a few different levels (Forrest Gump-->Bama ; didn't hear anything Gump said that preceded it - fb didn't 'hear' anything I was saying last night since I didn't comment about anything; he was talking about coping with the Vietnam War = we're all talking about coping with last night's loss).

    Back to your original post, I don't know much about Voo Doo but that movie with Kate Hudson set in Terrebonne Parrish was really creepy. The Saban 2003 championship in Nola, followed by Miles in 2007 in Nola, followed by them meeting against each other almost seems like it was a script.

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