no form of that kind of change will work. all 129 schools would have to pay the players the same amount, and the small schools would never go for it,.. the small schools hold about a 79-50 voting advantage. That's what happened to,.. paying player stipends, and the 10th assistant coach. Both good ideas, shot down by the small schools because of $budget$,.. this is why every once in a while you hear grousing about the major 5 conferences wanting to split off and go it on their own.
Most don't care about education. If it wasn't for football, those who don't care wouldn't be anywhere near a college. It's like if someone gave me a piece of modern art that was worth $30,000 dollars, I wouldn't be impressed if it looked like 4th grade art. Maybe someone else thinks it's worth $30,000. Give me the $30,000.
I don't have a plan. I'm referring to principles. LSU makes around $300,000 a season on the efforts of the student athletes. They (and the NCAA) conspire to keep every penny from them.
That was fine back in the days when tickets were $5 or $10 and you were lucky if your team was on TV once or twice a year. Most of the old time players were there mainly to get an education. Now it's a multi billion dollar business.. Let me emphasize the word business. What other business operates with free labor? The players are the product and as such they should be fairly compensated. I'm not talking about NFL type money but at least a living wage. And they should have the right to market their own images without penalty. The big conferences should break from the NCAA and form their own league and make their own rules free from the interference of DII and DIII schools who cant afford to run with the big dogs.