Steve, I get it, I do. The system is indeed far from perfect but it has to stay that way. If you open that can of worms it will be the beginning of the end. You think the death star is powerful now...imagine what happens when they get to pay them above board?
Would you take a job where you had to work for free from 3 to 5 years with less tha a 1% chance you would ever cash in on the big bucks?
I hear ya. Because the universities use all that profit for good use, I think the NFL should pay the players because they are the ones benefiting from the free minor league farm systems.
They chose to be football players,.. the road to the NFL goes through college, the players are treated like royalty and given every advantage. A regular guy is not going to the NFL, but a half-way regular guy can get a full ride scholarship if he plays his cards right,.. those guys are getting a lot,..College education, paid tuition, paid room and board, books, medical insurance, tutoring, all the pussy they can eat and a seat at the dinner table where the food is so much better than what regular students get fed. The superstars may have a case, but they'll get theirs later
Is that still an issue? after NCAA Football 2012 or so they stopped making it,.. afraid of legal entanglements down the road. It's not Dll, Dlll schools,... it's the smaller schools in our own division that won't vote with the big dogs
That's fixable. With their own self governing league the mid majors would only be allowed in as second tier members and would be allowed to set a lower and more affordable pay scale for their own players.
Even better. Who would want to leave that sweet gig, gettin paid that scratch for not even half a year's work?