Everyone's been gunnin for Dorsey so I don't think this is something new. Btw, my thoughts about this is that I know Glen Dorsey wants to play but it seems that he and the team may be better off if he would've or could've sat out a game or two since the AU game? We do have depth at that position but is Glen in his current state better off than anyone on the bench?
IMO yes because Dorsey will attract double teams not matter how healthy he is every play. Therefore, opening up opportunities for other DL and LBs.
No, proper punishment would have been banishment from Division I football and a foreclosure on his parents' doublewide. THAT would be appropriate punishment for him jeopardizing the livelihood of Dorsey.
If every player on the team would just play with that much heart and pride. Hell, if I had an entire staff that worked with the attitude ..... ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule:
Guess they're gonna take a few pages from the Auburn playbook... :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye: "if you're not cheating you're not trying..."