Visits this Weekend

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by flucobaseball, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I bet other coaches are putting things in these recruits head about the hurricanes. It probably shouldn't affect their decision, but it certainly gives other coaches a little leverage.

    I think our out of state recruiting is definitely going to take a hit this season, the question will be whether it's noticable or not. We've already lost Bani & who knows what other kids we could other wise have gotten. Hopefully, the coaching staff can still pick up some talented kids.

    After this year, Katrina & Rita will not play much of a role in recruiting...
  2. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    But most of the schools that we compete against for recruits are still in the southeast--none of which are exactly "hurricane proof"...

    If that theory about losing recruits from out of state on that Lafayette station is true, then can someone explain to me how the University of Miami continues to gather commitments from all over????

    We got a direct hit by a massive storm for the first time in decades...but Miami gets hit FAR more frequently than we do. And it hasn't hurt their classes.
  3. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    It's not about the "hurricanes" themselves, it's about the idea of them that the media has created. When Miami (or whomever) gets hit by a hurricane, you hear it on the evening news. With Katrina & Rita, it was everywhere in the media for months & is still fresh in people's minds.

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