Red said. "Answer the question, why do you carry water for the ultra-rich when they do nothing for you?" Why do you carry water for the political puppets that are controlled by them?
So which it it? Do they give generously to charities or do they hoard it to get richer? Can't have it both ways home slice. Stop trying to reshape my position because you really suck at it. I neither hold them in contempt nor does it have to do with them being better off than me. I've given you the reasons for my statements but you just can't seem to understand. Pity.
And I have responded many times. You can't get past the fact that the 15% tax on investment income saved them $billions and that it barely affects wage earners.
Come back when you find an argument. Since you and Bengal B are left with nothing but lame insults, adios.
What political puppets controlled by who? Have you been following the conversation at all? I carry water for myself and the middle class.
I cant but they can. They pay taxes and give to charities of their choosing so that they can pay a little less tax to a freeloader loving government that will only squander the money anyway. You have shaped your position quite well. You are rich whitey hating cantankerous old piece of shoe leather but you are funny sometimes so we love you anyway.
What if I was a really shitty person and the only reason I had it was because I was friends with the bong maker? Oooh oooh and since charities were brought up, would they donate if there were no tax breaks? Why does mitt Romney get a horse tax break but I can't get a 2 dog tax break? Can we at least all agree that the tax code is completely fucked up. There's everyone's common ground. I do appreciate the bong protection sentiment though
No doubt the tax code is complete garbage and don't think for a second that a shit pile of liberals aren't hiding behind every loop hole they can find as well. Super rich people all have 1 common thread, they love their damn money. As for your bong, as long as you didn't steal it then it is yours and you should be able to keep it.
Oh I don't doubt it. I was reading the other day in a Forbes article how Warren Buffett the liberals champion rich man is one of the biggest recipients of corporate welfare. Honestly man I see no difference between R's and D's except on some social issues, which are enough presently for me to lean blue. And no my bong is my bong, but I'd gladly share it with any one of you