You are so right about people being more senstive on this subject than any other. This just makes me sick to my stomach, and it infuriates me to no end.
There is a special place in Hell for people who abuse animals, and I just hope that God lets me go be the boss there every now and then.
just because you dont care for chickens or cows doesnt mean they are less important. hypocrites. i suppose you dont care if someone rapes tiga's goats....? besides him i mean.
if i was overlord of the world i would allow dogfighting, but you would have to keep it private, out of my sight. if i saw it it would hurt my feelings, and i don't need that.
I think what phucks this situation up is that he did it allegedly for sheer pleasure. No other motive to think of. There's not much money involved (considering he has 100's of millions coming his way via NFL salary and endorsement deals). Most people killing other animals have at least a purpose behind it, i.e. shoes, clothes, baseball glove, food, etc. etc. When you're abusing/killing animals just for sh!ts and giggles, you 're kinda phucked in the head.
that is a fair point, but i do not like to prosecute thought crimes. whether vick enjoyed these fights might determine whether he is an *******, which he clearly is, but i dunno if being an incredibly bad person is a criminal act. if you kill a dog to eat it, i dunno if that should be different than if you kill a dog to watch it die. it isnt an important issue either way, but i am not convinced i am willing to grant animals these legal rights. i mean, killing animals is sort of what we do, as humans. i am not kidding, i really think the problem is no longer a problem if we just dont think about it.