Nah not Bama and Boise St... listen to the figure heads talk and the BCSNC has already been decided. LOL.
Along that line of thinking.......I guess we should forgo this silly playing football thing and give :crystal: to the gumps then. I caught myself a couple of times muting the boise st/ va tech game b/c I couldn't listen to herbstreit's dribble. It seems any idiot can become an commentator these days.
He's paid to, it stirs the pot and pisses people off. But I still hate listening to him, especially when he starts his tOSU love fest crap.
It just amazes me how these bobble headed idiots pick one or two teams each year and fawn over them. Several years ago it was ND, then USuCk, now Boise St. seems to be up to bat.
Look at how they portrayed Bama last season. From wk1 to the end it was Bama Bama Bama... even though they had a few games last year that required "Official" mediation to make it to the NC, everyone made it sound like they rolled over everyone to get there... I mean if they're going to cover sports as a career... atleast report it accurately.