UT players back in the news quick after Cut’s exit – From today’s online edition of the Nashville, TN The Tennessean: The link: http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080203/SPORTS0601/802030393/1002/SPORTS
I remember wondering why LSU didn't offer Ahmad after UT and FSU did. Perhaps the coaches got a bad vibe about his character or perhaps this is simply the result of an impressionable young man far away from home? Ahmad's a good kid I hear, so I hope this incident puts him on the straight and narrow for the rest of his career.
I thought the timing was interesting. UT players have lots of headline problems; they bring Coach Cut back and specifically mention how much he helps with off field discipline issues. Cut heads east to Duke and within a month 4 players are arrested. You’ll also note in the article that in one instance the players had a recruit in the car with them. That can’t help when you sit down to talk to mom and dad about the benefits of their son leaving home and coming to UT.