UT’s Tullo – “Every ... mistake, LSU would make me pay …” From the Knox News Sentinel, April 18, 2009: The link: http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2009/apr/18/no-1-lsu-tees-off-on-tullo-vols-18-3/ ldskule::tigbas:
i just dont understand baseball rankings etc- can someone explain it to me: 1. why is it that lsu can lose so many times, but win series and maintain or even go up in rankings? 2. Well, then why when i check and we lose to UNO and other no name teams is LSU still ranked so high--- i take it , it's not like football-- lose and you go down 6-10 spots-- and if you lose to an unranked team even more--- is it b/c baseball plays so many more game and are , in effect, just going to lose 5-10 games over the course of their season. thanks, just trying to understand. how about the gymnastics team!!
Should have been 6 and Schimpf should have had a 3rd. Some how, in the first inning Tenn. scored a clear error was ruled a hit. Schimp had to range to his left, but he was clearly in front of it, and after he bobbled it, he still had time to get the guy out with a good throw. Clearly an error in my opinion but ruled a hit. Either way, the unearned runs made the difference in that game.