"Russ Crawford said he will watch every moment of the game, hoping that the "purple and gold nation will taste bitter defeat." Crawford, who says he wouldn't root for LSU if his own mother played for them, has one New Year's wish: The Tigers will lose in their own state. "Maybe then some of Lafayette's residents will wake up and realize that they have a great university in their own backyard to cheer for," he said. http://www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080105/SPORTS19/801050323 usl...still sad. " Crawford said. "I just wish that LSU and the Saints weren't the only sports teams and colleges followed nationally by the sports media." That's because the Saints are the only pro team and LSU is the only school to still be playing! Hopefully, everyone in lafayette that is cool enough to be a Tiger fan, will boycott Hooters in lafayette. Read my sig to understand. I will post a pic of the shirt. They want to make money on the Tigers by showing the game, but try to sell shirts telling everyone in lafayette to NOT support LSU because there's a university in their own town.
Anti-LSU Louisianians will join Hitler in Hell: their souls being scorched and tormented for all eternity. Let us all pray for them.
why on earth do we care what fans of u la lame think? I mean seriously, let LSU play them tomorrow and beat the ever living crap out of them...for the 15,239,984th time....and then LSU will still not give a damn while playing the third string team.