Do you know if it was paid attendance or actual attendance? But yes either way, 60,000 in a 93,000 capacity stadium is not a good sign...for Kiffin.
There's a lot more things to do in California than go to the Frog Festival in Rayne. In Louisiana we're beyond obsessed with LSU football, hunting, and fishing. If only we had a miles of beautiful beaches, Rodeo Dr. Hell if we had places like Palm Springs, Catalina Island, San Francisco, (on and on) I wonder if so many of us would still be consumed with LSU football.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and still obsessed with LSU football. Sure there are lots of things to do here but there are lots to things to do every where. Out here we get to fight nasty traffic plus California is a lot bigger than people realize. It is not really a hop skip and a jump to most places. Tahoe is 4+ hours, LA is 8 hours, Sacramento blows...did I leave anything out?
USC wasn't selling out in the golden years either. It was pathetic. All those people wanna do is surf.
Then you'd be one of those 60,000. LMFAO. Git outta here with that. It's not even close how much more there is to do in California. Can't even believe you'd go there. I never want to live where people use time instead of miles when speaking about going somewhere.
Well, we knew the resident SC apologist wouldn't disappoint us. Saying that "there's other stuff you'd rather do" just means you're not as loyal to your team. I've heard people do that everywhere, especially when talking about long distances.
I heard the 60,000 figure on a Los Angeles radio talk show and think that it was attendance, but not sure. Anyway --- Yes, your point is well taken --- USC football has taken a big hit in the pocketbook with Kiffin.
I thought it was Bama...make up your mind. Did you really deduce that from my statement? hmmm. Well long distances, yeah. Everyone uses it for that. I was talking about going from one place to another within 15 miles or so. Thought it was understood I was talking about in a metro area.
You're thinking of Shane. I've always teased you for you SC affinity. You literally said that there are more things to do in California. No, people do it in metro areas, too, possibly more commonly. Two miles in one direction of the city can take a lot longer than two miles in the other direction. And I don't know why you "thought it was understood" since he was talking about LA & Tahoe from SF.
And you've also said I was a Bama fan. Yeah, but you quoted me as saying more things "I'd rather do" which I didn't. I was speaking ABOUT metro areas. We're going in circles here. Well, I'm going to bed actually. I was making that comment in general to his about "nasty traffic in California". You don't get to pick what I was speaking to. FIGHT ON! ROLL TIDE!