and THAT is what this is about. this wasnt one rogue payment to one player in one sport. this was major continuing payments and gifts to the bush family, and also payments in two other sports. this is about giving those that were doing the payments full access to players. even if the payments were not know about (yeah, right) you do not open your doors and give complete access to agents pretending they are just being buddies and fans. it is exactly about lack of institutional control, and the perception of not caring to have any.
Exactly right. This is why I don't want LSU to entertain recruiting players with "advisers", who are often leaches trying to make a buck off of the kid. I don't care how talented the athlete is, we don't need him.
There's a picture of Brian Cushing that's been floating around the internet for a couple of years; it's so obvious he's been using steroids when you look at it. The SC fans used to defend Cushing about allegations of steroids with the excuse he hadn't been tested positive. And, of course, that's the one of the myriad problems of the NCAA- their steroid testing is as useful as a condom full of holes. The players know when they're going to get tested, and cycle out before getting tested so they never test positive unless they're really stupid. If you think about it, its kind of strange that we make a big deal out of steroids in baseball but turn a blind eye towards it in football. In baseball, you might hit a bunch more home runs or play more games but ultimately you're only hurting yourself. In football, you're hurting yourself as well as the other players. Someday, somebody is going to get seriously hurt because he took a vicious hit from a roided up player.
according to rumors, players would simply cross the border, enter a mexican pharmacy and legally purchase the US-illegal substance, enter a bathroom & shootup, then cross back into the US without fear of getting caught for smuggling. When you have an Athletic Director like Mike Garrett, who is trying to defend U$C by attempting to differentiate between "breaking the rules" and "cheating," you've got all the ingredients you need for a successful scandal to occur. Everybody knew U$C was cheating .... and it was by no means limited to Reggie Bush ... Before and After U$C's "conditioning" program:
As hilarious as the news about the USC sanctions is...and as enjoyable as Petey Carroll's post sanction comments are... They all still take a back seat to the news and videos of riots in the streets of Tennessee after Kiffen and Orgeron split in the middle of the night. That was really side splitting. My pulled abdominal muscles are just now beginning to heal from that event.:lol: Priceless.:hihi:
And the whole world told them lame kitten would end up breaking it off in them and they didn't want to believe it. May be the worse case of drinking the koolaid since Jonestown.