Perhaps you should contact google and let them know about that. :wink: Yes, Auburn reached the Sweet 16 in the 2003 Tournament. You might also want to let google know that: Auburn also reached the Sweet 16 in the 1999 Tournament, the 1986 Tournament, and the 1985 Tournament. So, I went and edited my above post to reflect the four Sweet Sixteen appearances by Auburn, which is only half of the eight Sweet Sixteen appearances by Bama.
Yeah, when I first read it, I thought you were saying Bama was greater than Auburn much more than Clemson is greater than South Carolina. But after giving it a second thought, I second-guessed your intent and thought you were trying to say the opposite. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Correction.........Texas and A&M are pretty hard to get into to because of the top 10% rule that says if you are top 10 REGARDLESS of size of your class, you will be admitted to UT or A&M. Very good students in Texas are told to "come back later" at A&M and UT. TT and Oklahoma get all the "leftovers".:geaux:
Kansas State accepts 95% of its applicants. Wow. Application essay: "I'm like, really smart and stuff."
Really? Big 12 distance range: Tucson to Seattle 24.5 driving hours; 1607 miles. Even USC/UCLA to Cal/Stanford is 6 hours driving time. In contrast with the SEC: BR - Frankfurt 12.1 hrs driving; 798 miles
And yet they have the same overall ranking as LSU, at 130 I believe. ASU accepts 95% of it's applicants. Tigerbait is 100% correct IMO in that this is the dumbest poll USNews has put out in terms of college rankings. Popularity is a strange word to slap onto a process without REALLY considering what goes into the formula where prospective kids/regions are concerned. LSU is obviously THE school in Louisiana to attend particularly among La residents. California has 24/25 schools in the Cal State system and another 12 or so more in the University of Cal system. Most of the top schools in the Pac10 end up making the short list of the better students (grades, SAT scores, class ranking etc) which means that Stanford, Cal, UCLA, and USC are all at or under the 25% acceptance rate for applicants but many of them having a choice among 2 or 3. Has nothing to do with being "popular" in the traditional sense. There are no Cal State schools in the Pac10 and I imagine that many of them have a higher acceptance rate, lower overall US ranking, AND perhaps higher popularity rating. Still wouldn't want to attend any of them. OTOH, Notre Dame is one hell of a school as is Vandy.
I'd just like to point out, and this may be off topic but sure is funny... Texas Tech never has trouble admiting its student athletes to school because the NCAA clearinghouse has higher standards than the shcool itself...