Just so I get this correct... There's so many different stories around each name I'm finding grouping them under 'Miles' (inherited a fair word for Jimbo--to start?) 'OC's' and 'development'... a bit of a stretch.
That moron will stretch a gnats ass across a 55 gallon drum in order to give melon head any amount of credit
He's not a moron. How we know him can only be classified as fanatic--and it ain't a bad thing. **I've talked with a few about a mod where you can over ride 'ignore user' based on usergroup. It's coming. It'll enable a mod (depending on permissions) that will disable a guy like @(insert username) ability to ignore people. ****On another note, within this software is the ability to send anyone, anywhere. (Literally. You'll have to 'scrub' to bypass it.) You could send @GiantDuckFan to cheeleader porn anytime he logged on.