This thread will likely get deleted quickly, but it's the best and worst of TD all in one thread. The accusations are tremendous.. in the best worst way imaginable. Much like our offense tonight. I don't endorse anything in that thread, but it was entertaining and distracting.
The thread went into great detail about O's indiscretions, one of which allegedly with an LSU student.
The gist is: That there is a video of Ed and an LSU student (smoking hot btw) in his hot tub at his house that the student (identified as McKenna Rosenthal) sent out via Snapchat or instagram or one of those. Supposedly the video was saved by an LSU fan and/or booster and has been held onto as leverage in the event O underperformed so that it could be turned in for LSU to terminate O with cause avoiding a buyout. Allegedly, said video has now been turned into the LSU administration.
This is correct. The only thing left out was that he also mentioned a 2nd girl as well, which I'm not comfortable mentioning her name since these are claims backed up with no proof. He didn't even mention what the proof was for the 2nd girl. His point was more along the lines of this wasn't a one off for O.
The only reason they’re bringing up the name was because she’s a social media “influencer”. They want their names out there.