People don't realize the pounding that kid takes in games between being hit in the pocket and being hit running the ball downfield or pitchouts on the option. But amazingly he ALWAYS springs right back up and if nothing happened. Tough, tough kid. Reminds me a lot of Russell and Davey. And I think he's actually tougher than either of those 2 guys. I don't care if you hate everything else about him, you certainly can't say the kid plays soft. Lee and Jefferson are on polar opposite ends in regards to toughness. Lee reminds of Steve Walsh, of Hurricanes and Saints fame. Or Jim Everett, if you like.
I agree JJ is tough and he is faster than you would think for a big man. He gobbles up yards pretty good.
You mean Chris Everett? :hihi: I agree that JJ is very tough, although he has been knicked once or twice in the past (2009 for sure; Lee starts vs LaTech). He's bigger and stronger now than I've ever seen him. But he's still not invincible, and his style of play does expose him to the potential of injury. Just comes with the territory. The thing that I don't like about this saga is that every rumor that's been started about this team has turned out to be true, going back to the bar fight and the RS suspension.
FWIW, the 'JL is having issues with academics/class attendance' rumors first surfaced around the time of the WVU game and were mostly ignored. The rumors gained steam after Bama. Whether or not JL actually fails, I don't know, but I think there's at least a smidgen of truth in that he was having issues in class at one point.
Let's just fire that dumb ass coach that doesn't know how to manage his players....He can't manage the clock and is winning with Saban's players....he's so full of crap anyway. Miles needs to go !!!!! :hihi:
Yea...that's what happened. [ame=]Jon Lovitz Appears as the Pathological Liar on "The Tonight Show"[/ame]