onceanlsufan said.... [/INDENT]Miles is full of crap! Don't think CLM is some sort of saint. He ain't. He was looking for the opportunity to get JJ in the game, Bama gave it to him, and now he is talking like Lee is incapable of even being on the field, let alone assurring victory. I call B.S. on that. Lee assurred victory in the first 8 games. really dude really Coach Les Miles is planning how to get his guy in at QB ? 2009 - JJ was the starter 2010 - JJ was the starter - 2011 JJ was to be the starter before the fight. JL became the starter because the guy that won the job was not on the team. JL did not beat out JJ he took the job based on a non-football issue. You said - He was looking for the opportunity to get JJ in the game. When you are the head football coach you don't have to look for nothing. CLM gave the team to JL until the point that CLM decided that to win the SEC and the BCSNCG he would be better off getting JJ back in. Coach Miles has a primary job as head coach. Make sure I have the best 11 guys on the field !!! Of course if you can make that decision for Coach Miles and you never see the 100's of hours of practice and you know more than the paid staff of LSU that makes you just an amazing dude !! Shut up and leave the running of the team to Coach Miles and enjoy the ride. But of course living in Baton Rouge all my life I know we enjoy helping our coach - coach the team. Geaux Tigers
And tell that to Maryland and NC State... 35 points in the 4th quarter. Sorry, we have been burned by comebacks too often in the past and it was NOT worth taking any chances when everything was on the line against a high powered passing offense that showed they can make a come back (against eaTme).