agree. the helmets were better than i thought they would be but the rest sucked. except for the gloves. those gloves are bad-ass!
I like the functionality of the 'one time' uniforms, lighter weight, better protection , etc. but not the color scheme. The traditional canary or taxi cab yellow and white uniforms are, and always will be, my favorite. They have an identity that says LSU. I believe they may even have a recruiting draw. I say add the functionality but keep the traditional color scheme.:helmet:
BINGO!! I love the LSU tradition with their jersey. No need to change. Plus Ive always liked the LSU uniforms. Thats one thing I like about college, you dont see many schools change uniforms like in the NFL. Its great that schools like LSU, ND, USC, OSU, UM, Texas, PSU, Ou, ext all have pretty much the same uniforms they had 20,30, 40, etc years ago. The change in great for the NFL but keep the same jerseys unique to college.
Just a point of reference to the "all-white and white tops" fans out there- how did Florida do in those ridiculously hideous looking all-white threads with the stupid Pro Combat "F" on them? #fail
I thought they looked pretty good. The F on the helmet is classic for them. They used to wear them a while back I'm pretty sure. LSU doesn't look good in all-white but Florida has done it before and it works for them.