He should have done the same as John Kasich and refused to endorse her and stay out of the conversation.
More like an uninformed or brainwashed white person. I used to be you in the 60's and 70's then instead of accepting what the media and the liberals were feeding me started reading and researching. Turned me around completely. Eviromentalism is what tiped me off about the liberals and greens real agenda.
Kasich is sniveling RHINO who like a child holds his breath to get his way. His state went for Trump and he refused to even show up at the GOP convention. Bye John.
Screw the media and all those trying to stereotype all of us. It is demeaning.Why don't they break it down like it is. People that are independent, believe you get what you work for and don't want a nanny or nanny state versus people that think they need someone to take care of all their needs and that think they know better than everyone else