UFC fans on board?

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by NavyTiger, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I hope the American beats his cocky ass, but it's really difficult for me to bet against Silva.
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Silva is the least cockiest guy ever.

    sonnen was supposed to fight in brazil last week but had to move it to the states for his own safety. they have soccer fans in that country.
  3. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Like tirk said, it's sonnen who's the arrogant, trash talking SOB. I want to like him (Sonnen), but the truth is his obnoxious attitude (even if most of it is a marketing ploy) makes it impossible for me to root for him and I hope Silva does everything he said would to him.
  4. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Sonnen is pretty arrogant, but I guess what I was referring to as far as Silva is concerned, if I remember correctly, was UFC 112, when Dana White was pissed beyond words. Crowd was hot. I watched it at my buddy's house, even he was pissed.
  5. NavyTiger

    NavyTiger dunn dunn it all

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Sonnen runs his mouth and talks alot of smack outside the ring. Silva taunts and shows off in the ring, but post-fight he seems to be pretty respectful.
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Silva only tries to mix it up in the ring because he was getting booed for his lack of aggression. So, he felt pressure to start having more exciting fight because thats what people want. Its annoying to watch a great tactical bout when the crowd doesnt understand positioning and the chess match thats going on.

    But Silva may the most respectful and honorable guy to ever enter the octagon. The pseudo-hubris is clearly an act and he looks out of place when trying to mix it up.
  7. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Chael is a pretty funny dude. Here are some of his recent quotes:

    “I am the People's champion. I am the lineal champion and I'm the best damn middleweight to ever live.”

    “Who says I was submitted? Did you see that happen? Who are you gonna believe? ME or your lyin’ eyes?”

    "(The loss to Anderson Silva) was an absolute misunderstanding and misapplication of the rules by me, we were in the fifth and final round, he locks on a submission and I acknowledge that he has it on tight by slapping my hand on his leg, I tapped but what i thought is you go to the cards I win 4 rounds he wins that round, apparently if you tap it ends the entire contest which i was not ever made privy to"

    "Maybe after I destroy the Anderson Silva myth, he can get work on fellow MMA 'fighter' Jose Canseco's upcoming porn flick as a 'fluffer.'"

    “I'm the current world champion, he's a former world champion. Is there a question in there somewhere?”

    "I'm after 12 pounds of gold. And as far as I'm concerned, that belt is worth nothing more than a piece of tin when it's around his waist. I am the true middleweight champion.”

    “If you don't know, you damn sure should know my name is Chael Sonnen and I am this industry's toughest son of a bitch.”

    “We call Andy [Anderson Silva] 'champ' like we call developmentally disabled animals 'champ.' Good boy, Andy , good boy!”

    "When you're the greatest fighter in the world today, they got a name for you. They don't call you a great fighter, they call you Chael P. Sonnen. Beat me if you can.”

    “I wrote a song for Anderson Silva … You wanna hear that? Anderson, Anderson, Little Miss Anderson. I'd call you a girl, but you're not you're a mannequin. Anderson, Anderson, Little Miss Anderson. I am Chael Sonnen and I AM the People's Champion. Look, you're a wuss, there's no way to put it lightly. You've ducked me for years and now Dana's making you fight me. When I beat you in Brazil, I'm gonna leave a whole lot richer, but I'm not going anywhere until that old lady makes me a steak for dinner. Anderson, Anderson, Princess Silva. I'd fight you with my eyes closed and I'd still kill ya. Anderson, Anderson, Princess Silva … does this bicep look familiar?”

    “I can drag Anderson Silva out of a hotel and beat up him anytime I want. I've made a commitment to wait until August 7th and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure millions of people watch me do it.”

    “I want an easy fight. Anderson Silva, Wanderlei Silva. Either of the Silvas. Bigfoot Silva. They all suck. Gimme a Silva.”

    “I'm the middleweight champion of the world. Dana White and I together have deemed him (Anderson Silva]) the number one contender for my championship.”

    “I'll remain humble and once I get the belt I'll become a real jerk, I imagine.”

    "he ducked me (Anderson Silva) for six years.”

    “You tell Anderson Silva I’m coming over. I’m kicking in his back door and I’m pattin’ his old lady on the ass and I’m telling her to make me a steak, medium rare just how I like it.”

    “Well, I think that it's a very gracious and humbling compliment that you would give to Muhammad Ali and I'm sure he's appreciative if he hears this, that you would even compare him to the likes of me."

    “This is a one-sided dance. I saved Anderson’s job. Uncle Dana was going to give him his walking papers, and I begged him: Keep him around. Keep him around for one more fight. I will retire this guy.”

    “Anderson's a dirtbag. And he's also a bully. And he also ducked me for four years.”

    “I'd put Anderson Silva out for a year and when I'm done with that I'm gonna put GSP out for a decade.”

    “If it wasn't for me, Anderson Silva would be on the unemployment line logging onto Monster.com right now.”

    “I think it's disgusting. I think it's an embarrassment to the sport and to himself that he'd come around with that fake belt when the entire world watched me defeat him on live TV.”

    “I got no problem slappin' Anderson around again, just for fun. Just for laughs. Just to entertain myself.”

    “Never piss off a gangster.”

    “I believe that I'm the true champion. This is a true UFC belt. This was Anderson Silva's belt. I took his belt like a gangster in the night. I walked in and took it like a welcher on a football bet, okay. If he wants his belt back, he can come and get it, but as far as I'm concerned, he's as relevant as Mike Tyson and the only thing he hasn't done is announce his retirement.”

    “Well I'm German, he's British and you can remember the splits that happened the last time that country tried to cross my people. I don't see why anything's gonna be different in the year Two Thousand and Chael.”

    “Instead of fact or fiction, let me make it A or B. A: Will Anderson Silva go as a duck for Halloween this year or B: will he dress as a chicken? I'm gonna go B, I think he goes as chicken, he already has the costume.”

    “I'm not a martial artist, I am a gangster from West Linn, Oregon and I win fights with these and I make no God damn apology.”

    “Undefeated and undisputed, Chael P. Sonnen and the P stands for ... Perfection.”

    “Me fighting the air is a bigger fight than those two turkeys (GSP and Anderson Silva)”

    “I can drag Anderson Silva out of a hotel and beat up him anytime I want. I've made a commitment to wait until August 7th and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure millions of people watch me do it.”

    “Let’s talk about my Middleweight championship. The TRUE championship.”

    “I love easy fights. That's why I'm already pining for like Anderson and then Vitor and these guys. I'm already trying to feather my nest with bums, that's they way I like to do it. Some guys like hard fights, I don't. I like to take the easy road.”

    “I think I'm the most respectful guy in this sport.”

    “For those of you that can't see, this is the World Championship title of which I took from Anderson Silva and in this country, possession is nine tenths of the law. Finders keepers, losers weepers and if he wants it back, he knows where to find me.”

    “I’d beat up Machida on the way to the ring to beat up Anderson, and I’ll kick Nogueria’s ass in the parking lot on the way to my after party.”
    tirk likes this.
  8. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Chael is hilarious. He really is funny. I'll give him that much.
  9. NavyTiger

    NavyTiger dunn dunn it all

    Sep 10, 2010
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    “We call Andy [Anderson Silva] 'champ' like we call developmentally disabled animals 'champ.' Good boy, Andy , good boy!”
    You tell Anderson Silva I’m coming over. I’m kicking in his back door and I’m pattin’ his old lady on the ass and I’m telling her to make me a steak, medium rare just how I like it.”
    Hahah that is to funny chael is definitely a character.
  10. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Who's watching tonight?

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