Dantonio had the kid on his team talk to his own mother. Still on my phone, but here's the link. . It's a long article, but Dantonio reportedly made the player discuss his transgressions with his very own mother. I take it that would be the player's mother. It's been discussed on shows throughout ESPN as well. They covered up a lot of the assaults and aftermath of them to preserve a better image of the school essentially. It is proven Dantonio lied about how many assaults took place and even had a hand in delivering punishment in at least one instance. I'm not sure how that's jumping the gun on a conclusion? He convicted himself with his own words. http://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id...on-michigan-state-goes-larry-nassar-case-espn
I'll tell you where all this is heading. All out Congressional review of collegiate athletics. By the time the grandstanding, those with a hard on for Title IX , and the War against Women angst merchants get done, the best player at Alabama will be a 5'4 librarian with nose bleed.
So are you saying that only men who attack and abuse women can play football? I genuinely do not understand that comment.
He runs a 4.3 40 and he has an instinct for the ball that NFL scouts love. He has all the intangibles but he is lacking in his woman beating skills. I can't see him going any higher than mid third round. - Mel Kiper.
Yes. That's exactly what I'm staying. How fucking stupid are you? My comment is that the liberal witch trials of which this will inevitably turn into, will paint all male athletes with the same brush stroke. You seem to be in a terminal state of disconnect about every comment I make. You sure you're not one of my ex wives?