Happy Birthday Sabanfan! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: for I am the standard barrier but I will never take you for granite. (thanks for reminding me though I thought for sure it was sd man)
It was a nice try but I know you guys will keep diggin, you might find somethin. Tell SF to greaux some balls and come and talk to me when he cares about LSU basketball. Its nice to find out who all are SF's lovers btw!:lol:
what was a nice try? I thought you were the one who said the goat comment til I found the thread. and I hate you both by the way.
I'm just having fun with Sabanfan and a few of his cronies at their expense. For example Turk and he had been discussing myself if you read Turk's response to him which he posted in this thread today. It sure sounded from his comments too like he was kissing up to him! Really, it reminds me of eating a cake that is too sweet!:lol: Keep in mind I don't take myself too serious on an internet message board, I'm just having fun with some people at their own expense.:hihi: Its also nice to know who is rubbing each others back for the record!
Nah, If anyone needs it, it would be Sabanfan and yourself. See my post to OrlandoTiger, I'm just having fun with you and showing the way things are on this board with you two rubbing each others backs and talkin about myself! Thanks for the red btw, this thread not only shows you need prozac but you know where the website is!:hihi::lol: I know Sabanfan is still pissed at me but I think in time he'll get over it! BTW SF, politically we are in the same corner, nothin but dems running for president on both sides of the aisle, honestly I may not vote this year but then again I can't help Hillary get elected by not voting? I thought previous election years were bad choices for candidates but this year takes the cake!:rolleye33: Football season can't get here fast enough, then LSU basketball! I love you guys!:tigereye: