Anyone in the know?
I'm not sure it's too far-fetched. If he jumps to the pros after a year of small ball, he might be a 3rd-4th rounder at best. If he comes back to LSU for his senior season (assuming the powers that be allow it), he might jump to 1st-2nd round, and a MUCH fatter paycheck. I would think it would be worth it to him to at least try. And he LOVES what other 1A school would he go to?
I wonder if TM can still play for us this season as a walk-on... he lost his scholarship, and how much was that worth, at least $10,000/semester for tuition, room and board (housing plus meal plan), books, etc? if he decides to stay here, walk on to the team, and pay the $20,000 for the fall and spring semesters on his own, is that a stiff enough penalty without having to make him stay off the team this whole year on top of that? it appears TM broke LSU AD rules that apply to scholarship athletes being able to keep their scholarship, not school rules that apply to general students being able to stay in school at LSU for ex this is from CNN/Sports Illustrated: Athletic Director Joe Alleva said. Mathieu, who was suspended for a game in 2011 after failing a drug test, violated an athletic department rule and had his scholarship revoked. ... Mathieu could stay at LSU and pay tuition, but Alleva said that was unrealistic. "He's not going to stay in school," he said.
Jim Kleinpeter, The Times Picayune: A source close to dismissed LSU cornerback Tyrann Mathieu disputed an report Monday that said Mathieu was considering a return to LSU in 2013 after sitting out the 2012 season. The source said remaining in Baton Rouge "wouldn't be happening" and that McNeese State, which Mathieu visited on Friday, is presently the only option for transfer. The source said Mathieu, who has moved back home to New Orleans, will make a decision on transferring by Wednesday.
It would be an absolutely amazing story. But this situation reminds me of engineering graduates who say they're going to work in industry for a couple of years and then come back for graduate school. 95% of the time that never happens, they take the guaranteed paycheck today instead of the possibility of a bigger one down the line.
T. Mathieu and J. Jackson in McNeese's secondary...that's sick. I may have to go watch a game. EDIT: I just saw where Jackson signed with the Giants.