Tyrann Mathieu Dismissed from LSU--Violation of team policy

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Cajun Sensation, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    stevescookin is one of those over-judgmental christian dudes. he cant help himself. thats what good christians do ya know.

    lucas was a coke head so maybe people assume that means something.

    or maybe because pot isnt serious except for the whole illegality and rules thing, one may think it was something more.
  2. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    That was my assumption, which goes to my point. Pot, coke, add meds, whatever. That isn't THE issue with TM. This is about more than drugs, IMO. The guy has some demons, and the pot, or whatever, is just an avenue he has taken to avoid the demons. IMO, he's going to face the demons.
    wjray and tirk like this.
  3. ROY_LA_CA

    ROY_LA_CA Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2003
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    Best wishes to Tyrann Mathieu
    b_leblanc and boblinfoto like this.
  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    maybe like martin said, could be something as simple yet serious issue of anxiety. which pot could fix and is pretty harmless. but we are losing our best play maker to stupid shit. possibly.

    now if its coke or meth or even prescription shit, that stuff can be crazy addictive and detrimental.
  5. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    For pot?
  6. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Fishead....do you really think that Tyrann would jeopardize his NFL draft stock by sitting out a year and not playing football in order to restore his health because of pot alone?

    Do you really think his family who comes from the inner city where pot is the least of peoples' problems actually thinks that not playing football for a year is necessary because he smoked pot.

    Do you realize that not playing football next year in order to spend a year in rehab is a decision that will cost Matthieu at least a million dollars by lowering his draft status?

    You're right....drugs are not the problem, an addictive person is the problem.

    Pot is not the problem....Tyrann is.
    And it looks like he finally realizes that and is taking ownership of his problem. God bless him.

    Pot alone doesn't make you such a liability in the locker room that your coach has to banish you from it. Rules are rules put in place to maintain discipline, but they're not the Mosaic Law, put in place by God Himself, with the penalty of damnation as a consequence. Miles wouldn't ban Matthieu out of literal adherence to "The Rules" alone....and BHelm has hinted that Miles didn't do that. Bhelm hinted that there were mare than three occasions of failed tests.

    Miles is like a father to Matthieu. He acted in the best interests of Matthieu and I don't think a father would punish his son to such an extreme because of pot.

    I know you wouldn't
    lsudolemite likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    probably the best course of action for him, this sounds serious, he doesnt need to pressure of football added to it right now.
    lsudolemite and stevescookin like this.
  8. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Tyrann Mathieu reportedly staying at rehab clinic

    Former LSU cornerback Tyrann Mathieu has decided to remain at a Houston drug rehab clinic for treatment, rather than report to a college immediately to continue his playing career, according toa report on Fox-8's web site. His father, Tyrone Mathieu, told Fox-8 they agree that restoring his health is their immediate concern, and that his football career will take care of itself after he finishes treatment.
    Mathieu has been at the Right Step recovery center in Houston since Monday, according to the Fox-8 report.
    The Fox-8 report also says that John Lucas, a former NBA star before drug issues sidelined his career, is now mentoring Mathieu in his recovery.
    Mathieu, an All-American and Heisman Trophy finalist, was dismissed from the LSU team last Friday, reportedly for failing a drug test. He was suspended for the Auburn game last season for a different positive test.
  9. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    No, but that doesn't mean it's some other drug.

    No, but that doesn't mean it's some other drug.

    No, and in fact, I'm almost POSITIVE doing what he's doing right now will INCREASE his draft status, if, and it's a HUGE if, he can pull himself together.


    And regardless of BHelm hinting anything, neither of us know how many tests were failed. But the point is, it's purely assumption if you think it's some other, more hard core drug involved.

    It is more than pot, but I don't believe it's some hard core drug we're talking about here. It's the fact that he uses pot to get away from what he really should be facing head on. IMO, pot is just his avenue to peace, but it's only masking the issues he has, and hopefully, he'll be able to overcome those issues with this move.

  10. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    You're right about it being an assumption.

    It is...because medical records are private. An assumption is not improper at all. It's the same kind of assumption that employers make...It's the same kind of assumption that NFL scouts and analysts make.

    You've gone to great pains here and on the other site to hang your hat on the notion that no one knows for sure...that there is no smoke where there's an inferno. I'm really not sure what your point is.

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