Good to know he ain't gowna laaaahhh to us. :rofl::rofl::rofl: There are lots of things you should never.... ever...... do when your blood alcohol level exceeds .2. One of them is calling your ex. The other is turning on a freakin' video camera.
I mean what can you even say to that? BTW, did anybody else notice he says "Alabama" just like Forrest Gump.:lol::lol::lol: Oh, and steer clear of Motel 6s in Georgia for a while, right?
I stopped it at 1:20, couldn't stand anymore. They gonna find this poor guy hangin from a belt in his closet.....
I loved this video. I sure hope I didnt act like that after about 25 beers too many! Gotta give it to him , he wasnt as think as you drunk he was . Duh! Duh!