Hur hur hur. The trump lover calling someone mentally dead. Good one... Not downstairs though podnuh, when's the last time you saw yours?
Despising Hillary Clinton and liking or not even hating Trump, are not one in the same. His use of Twitter is INSANE, I would argue that a "presidential" personality should not even know what TWITTER is, much less use it. His rejection of the intelligent community is, well, deplorable. His cabinet selections are on balance, OK, but the "average" of 14 or so do not govern. And his position on global warming is fearful. His many personal failings are amplified daily, his hubris and Hillary's are so even. All of these flaws are magnified by the infantile and often idiotic behavior of the Dems who received a well deserved, but not a good, butt kicking. The big question must remain, how in God's green earth did these two people (Trump and Hillary,) rise simultaneously to such positions. Terrible commentary on the human condition. We never had a chance for a winner, here, and daily, it seems the loser who won is getting worse and worse.
I agree. Can't go there. I've come around somewhat on the issue. Used the right way, I think it's not only a great, but necessary way to communicate with younger people. Does Trump use it that way? No, clearly. But that shouldn't be the standard by which we judge the tool (no pun intended). Someone needed to tell John Brennan to STFU. Out of all the people departing DC, he is the one I am happiest who will be replaced. Cabinet selections can be overrated. Dems were All Hail Rahm at one look at the little fuckstick. His position is not what I find fearful. His ability to legislate will be firmly jeopardized by partisanship. He'll make few changes at best. Personal or just his oversized wanker ego? I know plenty of very successful men who have the same type ego and they do a'ight. How? Decades of corruption in Washington. It's the same fucking people today that were there running things eons ago. Look at so many of the Hillary supporters there. OLD white folks. Pelosi's face will peel off the minute she comes back to Cali. McConnell and Reid should just straight report to the mortuary. Even look at the current heavy weight champ Lewis.....he's obviously not white but he's 76! He's been in politics for far too long....took a gubment job working for the peanut farmer in 1977, then moved to the Atlanta City Council, and then back to DC in 1986. He's still gotdamn there, re-elected 14 times. People like that have created the craziness we are dealing with because some of us all woke up and just got tired of the same ol, same ol. I would consider a hiatus on reading media reports for awhile. You think Trump is getting worse and worse but he's not even in office yet. The attack dog leftist media mouthpieces have gone full moron and are spinning 24/7. Let the man take office. If he's an idiot in that capacity, we'll find out soon enough.
Here's what I'm talking about Halloween.... "In the month leaded up to the election on November 8th, we repeatedly demonstrated how the mainstream media polls from the likes of ABC/Washington Post, CNN and Reuters repeatedly manipulated their poll samples to engineer their desired results, namely a large Hillary Clinton lead (see "New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through 'Oversamples'" and "ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary's "Lead" Shrinks To 2-Points"). In fact, just 16 days prior to the election an ABC/Wapo poll showed a 12-point lead for Hillary, a result that obviously turned out to be embarrassingly wrong for the pollsters. But, proving they still got it, ABC/Washington Post and CNN are out with a pair of polls on Trump's favorability this morning that sport some of the most egregious "oversamples" we've seen. The ABC/Wapo poll showed an 8-point sampling margin for Democrats with only 23% of the results taken from Republicans..."
25 years ago, many people thought it was insane for a Presidential candidate to be playing the saxophone on Arsenio, and discussing "boxers or briefs" on MTV with teenagers. Thank you Bill Clinton. Times change, people's attitude changes, and you connect with what they're doing or you go home. You don't really think Hillary listens to the Straight Outta Compton crowd, do you? Me neither. She was trying to connect, and like everything else out of her mouth, it was totally unbelievable. One of several reasons she lost
His position on global warming is the main reason I voted for him among many many other reason. Man made global warming is a fraud a hoax to extract money and control the free use of energy, land, water and private property rights. Why does this fraud always lead to a tax as in a BTU tax ( Clinton/Gore) and Carbon Tax (Obama). Dont be a fool and a useful idiot and let the left exploit you for its socialist marxist agenda. Below is just one of a thousand links I could send you to show you the folly of your beliefs. Do yourself a favor and spend a week looking only at the counter argument.
A whole bunch of them didn't attend...including Boehner. Noone really gave a shit. You guys should learn the difference between racism and bigotry. What system to blacks as a whole control that prevents you access to said system? None. You might be able to LIE and say that collectively we are prejudiced...but not racist. The real collective problem with black folks is continuing to fight for acceptance from the collective, then whining like babies when "we" don't get what we will never collectively get. Instead of just saying fuck you slimy pieces of shit and create our own. This isn't 1920's Tulsa. You can't burn Black Wall Street today. But no worries because it will never exist. Own worst enemies. Culturally, the Jewish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, hell even Africans in the U.S. don't beg for acceptance. The banded together and created their own empires. Used the laws to their own benefit. For the most part they police their own communities too. That will never happen in the black community because collectively, we're too busy trying to be a part of yours. Wrong audience for that spiel...but oh well. BTW, I hope y'all are smart enough to keep your prejudiced insults on message boards and not say it to the wrong (or right in my case) person's face. Don't let your Trumpfidence get you fucked up like the guy at The Cheesecake Factory in Cincy. Chicken and watermelon. FOH!