Really? Cruz, Bush, Huckabee, Graham and the rest of the republicans who ran against Trump were not Hillary either so why did we not choose one of them over Trump?
Trump got nominated because none of the other Republican candidates would stoop low enough to satisfy the irredeemable deplorables ... Trump won the election mostly because Hillary was Hillary, then at the end she fucked up and botched the campaign.
You would make a good politician you talk around questions and deflect so once again; Really? Cruz, Bush, Huckabee, Graham and the rest of the republicans who ran against Trump were not Hillary either so why did we not choose one of them over Trump? I am honest I wanted Trump to win who did you vote for?
I already said,.. "Trump got nominated because none of the other Republican candidates would stoop low enough to satisfy the irredeemable deplorables". You know, those idgets that are still his base supporters,.. obtuse knuckleheads who refuse to see the obvious, that Trump's incompetent, dishonest, unworthy and unfit to be our President. .. No offense
OK Sir compared to Bill, Obama and Hillary explain to me and others here how Trump is more; 1. Dishonest 2. Incompetent 3. Unworthy 4. Unfit Than those 3 above. Made it simple just fill in the spaces.
Bill was competent,.. not relevant though, I know pointing at the other guy is on page one in your Trump playbook,.. but no matter how bad Hillbama was, that just doesn't matter now. Trump's our President and he is a horrible one, horrible. In a sick way, I'm glad he won though, it's a lot more fun watching Donald get roasted than it would've been seeing Hillary go up in flames had she won. Hey Moe, just so you know, I'm with you 100% on abortion. Don sucks and Go Ducks
That's the problem with you democrats - if we don't believe like you do then we are "uneducated", 'ignorant", "deplorable" etc. I assure you I am none of the above and I support Trump. I worked my ass off in school to get my doctorate, had student loan debt at 9% interest, because you cant refinance those. I am tired of democrats telling me I have to believe the way they do. Tired of them conveniently forgetting my freedom of religion and right to bear arms because it doesn't fit with their agenda, tired of them saying they are for free speech yet shut down the speech of anyone who doesn't believe like they do. Middle America doesn't care what the east and left coast think. Thank GOD for the Electoral College so we don't have to be stuck with candidates they like all the time. Trump was elected because Middle America has been forgotten by both parties. The reason he hasn't gotten more done is because even his own party is working against him. There was a revolution that started last November. I hope it continues.
I'm not a demo-rat nor a repug-lican,.. I'm an American. Trump hasn't gotten anything done because he's divisive, incompetent and just plain weird. I'm all in on political change, we desperately need a political revolution, but Trump's not the guy to lead it, he's too revolting.