i always said Trump was a democrat. His nativism is more in line with traditional democrat isolationism and his big government leaning is definitely in line with democrat tradition. I guess we'll see @Kikicaca and @Rex singing kumbaya. Be careful you may get what you ask for. http://thefederalist.com/2017/09/06/the-pivot-is-real-and-its-spectacular/
Trump has been erratic at best but he is not Hilary and now he's president...he's changed political parties 4 or 5 times.
He has zero momentum. Zero. Political parties, key staff members, policy stances....he's changed them all far too often to be able to actually move forward. Phucker needs to settle in on some points and personnel. At this point, I think the whole shit show has highlighted the absolute ineptitude and selfish grandstanding by members of Congress. Lord, I wish the media would spend their time focusing on that and get those morons out of OUR lives.
You're as nonsensical as ever. He has zero political acumen, and his reason for agreeing with Chuck Schumer on THIS matter is likely as desultory as that Mitch McConnell gave him a contemptuous smirk.
Love how he's smacked the GOP Congress working out the budget thing. Those idiots proved themselves too stupid to go witht he flow now they get paid back. Lead follow or get out of the way.