You know you’re just like your idiot orange god. You claim ignorance when convenient and yet are an expert on everything when you think you can get away with it. You’re nothing but a poser and probably in step with Fuentes
Again, you called me out asking about some lunch I knew nothing about. So I asked you what the big deal was and why I should care. You seem hell bent on avoiding this. Why? Unlike you, I dont investigate things about Trump daily. It was apparently important enough for you to @me but not important enough for you to explain why or anything. Further proof you only read headlines and what the media tells you. Just like the COVID vax. You denied the existence of your immune system and did what you were told on an unproven vax. Please, if you are going to @me, at least be educated on the subject or something. The article doens't respond back...
Also, it seems odd a white nationalist Nazi would have lunch with a black man. Doesn't it? Or is Ye not black because he didnt vote for Biden? Anyway, let me know!
Kanye reminds me of Dave Chappelle’s character in the black blind klansman skit. It pains me to put myself at the table conversing with those 3 idiots. Btw, ex-presidents and billionaires know exactly who they spend their valuable time with. Trump knows his minions will be ok with anything he does, no matter how much of a lowlife it would make anyone else look.
So Ye, you think, is one of those house niggas huh. Again, this Nick guy, what are his white nationalist Nazi views? You bring up a point. What about Biden meeting with actual klan members. Did you forget that? holding hands!
kanye is a klansmen? he hates blacks? if anything he is a black supremacist that thinks blacks are superior, chosen by god the way jews claim they are. its not just that you are wrong, but the exact polar opposite of right.
Nick is tagged as a white supremist and holocaust denier. If you can't make out what those two 2 word phrases, put together, means then, as @Winston1 said, google should be your friend. Views among members don't vary much. Even fellow republicans are calling Trump out, while his base may see nothing to be alarmed about. As for Biden "meeting' with members of the klan...they were senators together for a long time. There were bound to be pictures together at some point. That's a whole lot different than a president gathering alone for dinner with well known white supremist/holocaust denier and Kanye, who is who knows what. He seems to be mentally ill, but most people would agree something is not right with the guy.
Yes. We covered this. The Media says lots of things. I asked Winston what made him those things. You know. Like facts. Not just accusations. For example, when Amber told everyone Johnny beat the shit out of her. Everyone just labeled him a woman beater, but you know, it was a lie. SO if a Klansman wins office somewhere, its ok to THEN have dinner? Didnt Trump win office? So that makes him a good Nazi right? Like Mr Byrd? You know, work buddies.
I would say its is not smart to saying something about Ye without knowing what he has said. As JMG mentioned, he hold blacks above all other races. The opposite of a KKK member. Again, you comments, much like Sir Winston, point to you guys reading headlines and nothing else. Like ever.