His entire business enterprises based on grifts and cheating. We knew this. On top of being found by another court as a rapist. On top of stealing our country's nuclear secrets. On top of trying to overturn a democratic election, again by cheating. Absolutely no reason to support the orange piece of shit except for WHITE SUPREMACY. That's his entire basis of support. And now the personal consequences of his fraud conviction: All of trump's business licenses in New York cancelled. Any business operating or based in New York controlled by donald trump out of business. The trump Organization he inherited from his father: finished. None of this is small potatoes: trump's most valuable and lucrative assets are based in New York.
taking the fifth is a wise move and any lawyer will tell you that, even, in fact especially, if you are innocent.
I feel like you have said this more than once, or more than 100 times again, your party is the party of one issue. calling people racist.
This past week in South Carolina trump bought a gun in violation of his release terms as a criminal defendant. Hunter Biden is under Federal indictment for purchasing a gun as a drug user. Two systems of justice.
No, Donald Trump did not buy a gun in South Carolina. Here's what happened when he saw a Glock. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/25/donald-trump-gun-glock/70965018007/ https://www.factcheck.org/2023/09/post-makes-unsupported-claim-trump-purchased-a-handgun/ two systems of justice. The lie and the truth.
I dunno how many times I have to tell you this stop repeating what you saw on twitter. I get that you are addicted to it. its great. but you should double check things you see there. and stop repeating the narrative of the top left wing accounts. we forget over time how many times we fact check your lies. its dozens and dozens.
Social media lies, bro. But you already knew it wasn’t true. Wait, Trump was found guilty of rape? When’s the sentencing? I wanna watch it