from the video ""the President promised to fix this, remember, "We will eliminate the carry interest deduction, a well known deduction, and other special interest loopholes, that have been so good for Wall Street investors,.. and for people like me"" During the Trump tax plan discussion,.. No democrats nor republications even addressed this issue, and despite his promise, Trump did not say a. word about it either,.. he could have, Americans would have roundly supported cutting out that loophole, but he didn't say a fucking word about it,.. he just signed on and joined the swamp.
Yes I remember his original plan and then the NEVER TRUMP GOP members starting to take a shit in the field. Which is why Trump then went on to get new candidates installed. Its funny you think 1 man has that kind of power.
Trump never said a word about it during last December's tax debate, why? you know Trump now stands to personally make big bucks off that loophole.
ya got me,.. so please tell me, why didn't Trump eliminate, the carry interest deduction loophole like he promised to?