Got 20/20 vision sir . I love that Trump speaks bluntly and non pc. I know you are used to silver tongued slick phony lying politicians but not me.
Fly south for the winter like every duck does its nicer here, not much warmer though that damm global warming!
Tell that to Trump. He generalized all people from Haiti and Africa. By his base, I don't mean people that voted for him...I mean the people that will support him no matter what. If they don't long for president Pence, They are condoning racism...especially if they accept his un Christian thoughts. You know how sin is, it's what someone fails to do as well as what they actually do.
His capacity for cruelty continues to amaze. He's saying this about fellow human beings who have to deal with poverty, famine, natural disasters, AIDS, lack of clean water to drink and then some. If you tried to sit Trump down and explain the concept of compassion, he'd be drooling within seconds. Then he'd start looking at his phone.
He’d tell you no one has more compassion than him. That he has huge compassion and that his compassion is second to none. Isn’t Haiti a shit hole though? I mean, Alabama is. And there’s a lot of white people there. I think people need to realize they’re destroying that R word. Trump is a racist, im sure. But, folks gotta realize that it’s more about class and economics than it is about race. Yeah, it plays a part, but if trump came to my house, I bet he’d call my whole neighborhood a shithole because there’s no golf course, and only a few 2 story houses.