:geaux: Reed & Robinson should be kicking themselves, their "mentor" & Trooper Taylor in the ass for convincing them to be Barners. :dis: I hope there are many more azz whippings from LSU during their tenure at The Barn. Benton on the other hand wanted badly to be at LSU but was dealt a real shytty hand. He had to make a move quickly after that went down and landed at AU. He's doing well and I wish him the best. Except against LSU. :LSU231:
Reed was acting a fool coming off the bus. Feel sorry for him to some extent because he is just made of paper. He might have some spurts of being a great player but he is a injury concern ever since HS.
Reed and Robinson are both listed as FR on the AU roster. I think they redshirted last year. That means that they were not on the NC team. Sucks for them. GEAUX
they were on the team just never played in games. So, I would think the still have a NC ring. However, they still made wrong decision.
Both Reed and Robinson are freshman. Reed was going to play last year but got hurt from the start. This is Robinson's 1st year on the team and not sure if he has played any yet. Benton hasn't been very productive.
These guys made a decision that best suited them, and I harbor no ill will towards them. Just like Ware and Blackwell made the best decision for themselves. As noted above Benton's deal was quite different. When/if they make the NFL I'll likely root for them, but for now they are Tiger Bait!