No surprise that he canned Manny. That whole place is on its head right now. Believe me, no one in Oklahoma wants Mack fired, they love him here.
Let the Saban to UT rumors get some legs... i'd LMFAO if it ever happened. I'd geaux help the muthafukr move for free.
And what the heck happened with USC yesterday losing to Wash St? 7 points? They must be ready to hang Kiffen.
Sad thing is is they suppoedly have a super stud at WR... couldn't make me happier to see Kiffen struggle to be mediocre.
I'd rather he geaux to UT, the gump meltdown would be epic... wonder how long it'd take'em to melt down that statue if he up and walked out in the middle of the night. Besides UT don't have a conference 'ship anymore... be harder for him to argue his way in to a NC in TX.
I think it would be easier for him to assemble amazing talent within the state vs. having to pull heavily from neighboring states while he's in Bama. And I say that without looking at actual numbers. Just seems it would stand to reason with the numbers in Texas and getting kids to stay in-state would be easier.