It was named after someone's mother. I forget her last name, but that's her first name and middle name. Of all things to name after your mother, a plane like that is great tribute. Then at some point it end up getting used for such a mission. :shock:
ha dto go ahead and look it up... it was named by the commander in charge during preparation for the mission.. yikes....
Yes, but guys, let's take the context of the times, and how much Japan was hated then. It probably wasn't the slam that it is now when we are looking at the level of destruction and loss of innocent life from outside of the context of having fought a brutal war for the past four years. My students did a huge paper on whether or not the atomic bombs were just or unjust a couple of months ago. While we were in the library researching, I read a couple of books on the blasts, and they were pretty horrifying. Many of my kiddos came down pretty hard on the Americans--to the point that I had to remind them that the Japanese STARTED that war.
Who was LSU's first superintendent (aka President), and where was the school originally built. No Google fools.