I think he's become a yahoo poster. As most of you probably know, I'm very tech savy. I've been using my tech abilities to scour the net to find @red55. Check this. It's buried in the comments section. http://hsrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=A2KK_JK_...uaHRtbA--/RS=^ADApguAXB9fVNtP.VTNFUrazG6.X2Q-
@red55 has finally found a chick he can't shake. Too proud to ask tirk, so there. He is currently debating a no win debate with a skirt. So far, regardless of his intent, the clinger is winning. martin would be the better benefit to him right now.
I just copy/pasted it in the image tag thing. Gifs are just like a picture, apparently. I still can't do the youtube but sometimes just pasting the property thing gets it done.