Transcripts prove Robert Hur is a liar

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Hur is MAGAt through and through, so calling him a fucking liar is a given and redundant.

    Don't forget that Hur and Bill Barr conspired to shut down the Mueller investigation, and then when Mueller's report was released Hur wrote a summary for Barr to read to the public... a summary that was so hackishly and falsely exonerative of trump that Mueller, himself, called a news conference to dispute what Barr had summarized about his report.

    In his Special Counsel report Hur wrote about Biden’s "diminished faculties and faulty memory" and said Biden couldn’t remember when he was vice president or when his son had Beau died.

    Joe Biden denied those allegations... and as it turns out the release of the interview transcripts proves they were blatantly false.

    Within the transcripts is a mention by Hur to Biden that his memory was "photographic", and Adam Schiff blasted Hur yesterday for selectively excluding that remark from his final report. Also, the transcripts proved that Biden knew/knows the EXACT MONTH AND DAY of Beau's death, so Hur fucking lied about Biden's memory of Beau.

    And apart from the obvious smear for political reasons, one has to ask: why on earth was Hur asking about Beau's death in the first place? How was that fucking relevant to the matter of Biden possessing classified documents? Except that it was an intended trap... a trap that apparently failed... but then Hur lied about it, anyway.

    Then consider this:

    During another point, Hur pointed to an image of an notebook related to Afghanistan.

    “The date is 4-20-09,”
    Biden said. “Was I still vice president? I was, wasn’t I? Yeah.”

    From THAT Hur reported that Biden couldn't remember when he was vice-presiden... a MALICIOUS lie, when it was Biden himself who correctly pointed out the year.

    It was quite a tell in the hearing yesterday when Adam Schiff asked Hur if he would swear then and there not to accept a political appointment in the future from the monstrous criminal and rapist donald trump, and Hur refused to answer.

    Republicans know they can't win by being honest about their candidates, their opponents, their records, their crimes, or their policies. So they fucking cheat. DOJ policy is to not cast aspersions upon the character of someone they've cleared by investigation, but Hur violated that norm because he's a fucking lying cheat with aspirations for a place in a trump administration.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    I could hear how hard you hit each letter when you typed that
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    the truth will set you free…..
    Biden had repeated mental lapses during special counsel interview: transcript
    Alex Thompson
    In his five-hour interview with special counsel Robert Hur, President Biden repeatedly mixed up dates, countries and the timeline of significant events, including the years his son Beau died and Donald Trump was elected, according to a transcript of the interview reviewed by Axios.

    Why it matters: The transcript supports Hur's account that Biden had multiple mental lapses, despite recent pushbackfrom the president and the White House.

    Zoom in: Over the course of the two-day interview, which took place in the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, Biden repeatedly asked for help remembering certain important dates — and his lawyers frequently stepped in.

    • "When did I announce for President [in 2019]?," he asked.
    • "If it was 2013 — when did I stop being vice president?"
    • "In 2009, am I still vice president?"
    • "Trump gets elected in November of 2017?," Biden asked, before someone noted it was November 2016.
    Twice on the same day, Biden struggled to find the words for "fax machine."

    • "You see where there's a printer and there's a–what do they call it, the machine that–?" he asked until White House counsel Ed Siskel offered up "fax machine" in both instances.
    Between the lines: After the report was released, Biden disputed Hur's statement that he didn't remember the year his son Beau Biden died.

    • "When I was asked the question, I thought to myself: It wasn't any of their damn business," Biden said in February.
    • The transcript, however, shows that Biden himself brought up his son, not Hur, and that he did have trouble recalling that Beau died in 2015 until White House lawyer Rachel Cotton helped.
    • While talking about the years 2017 and 2018, Biden said: "Remember, in this time frame, my son is — either been deployed or is dying" and adds: "And, and so what was happening, though — what month did Beau die? Oh, God, May 30 —" before Cotton offered that it was in 2015.
    Zoom out: The interview took place on Oct. 8 and 9, as Biden was responding to the attack on Israel.

    • The White House has argued that Hur's report was gratuitous and motivated by partisanship given that Trump nominated him to be a U.S. attorney.
    • Biden's team has also noted that he had excellent recall in several other parts of the interview, and argued that the missteps were exaggerated and cherry-picked.
    • Hur's report contends that Biden's mental lapses were necessary to document in order to explain why he didn't charge Biden with any crimes relating to his handling of classified documents.
    shane0911 and Jmg like this.
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Those pesky transcripts
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And it was commie fang fang's boyfriend Swalwell that asked him if he wouldn't accept a position from Trump.

    If Hur truly was anywhere close to the Right side of politics he would have been much harsher on potato brains. Instead he did what he was sent to do by obama and that was to push pedo joe out of the race. As it stands pedo joe is an old man that can't remember anything which would disqualify him for office OR he is completely sane and competent but guilty of stealing classified documents which would disqualify him from holding office.

    A strategic non bloody assassination by team barry/killery
  7. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Not knowing automatically what exact year something occurred is not a "memory lapse", you dumbass. And I would tell that to the dumbass who wrote the axios article, too.

    I had open heart surgery. Right now I don't know offhand in which exact year that occurred. I took a great extended vacation to Europe. Right now I don't know offhand in which exact year that occurred. My mother died. My father died. My most beloved dog died. Right now I don't know offhand in which exact years those occurred. My memory is perfectly fine. It's actually a sign of mental ACUITY, not a "lapse", that I can readily pause and compute a year something happened if asked to do so..

    Not knowing who your opponent is right now.... or whom you ran against in 2016... or that your were or were not married to Marla Maples... or that it was Nancy Pelosi and and not Nikki Haley... or that your wife is not E. Jean Carroll... persistent and regular errors such as THOSE are "memory lapses" and signs of dementia. Joe Biden exhibits no such signs, trump does.

    Robert Hur is a fucking liar.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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  9. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    shane0911 likes this.

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