Yea since the majority of the team are a bunch of thugs anyways.. Les Miles has no control over this team what so ever. Your starting running back crow hops the shit out of someone and is back playing on the team three weeks into the season and you're worried about some 18 and 19 year old kids using profanity at a football game.. Dude seriously..
Time to bring back the whisky bottle days of LSU. 8 oclock kick off on ESPN 2 baby. Them were the crowds I miss. I'm tired of all these fareweather fans leaving the game in the third quarter because it's too hot or cold. Leave your kids at home..
Who watches rated R movies? Those who do, do your panties get in a wad then? We are all adults here. Not sure why there is always a side topic calling someone out for cursing when it was an obvious joke. In any case, you can't blame the students. Look at their role models. TV is littered with far worse than what the students are doing.