I disagree also, they said that ULM spends 3 million annually on their football program. They made 2 million by playing Auburn and Arkansas. Enough said.
This should be a game where Mett, the receivers, and the O line get 40 chances to practice throwing the ball DOWN the field, CATCHING the ball, and pass blocking. 250 yards on the ground would be a meaningless stat this Saturday.
I'm afraid that Towson is not going to see 90,000 screaming Tiger fans. With a 90% chance of rain against a team no one ever heard of before, there will be many no-shows. When we go up by four scores, more will leave. If there is a lightning delay, almost everyone else will leave. I've sat through deluges if the team is on the field, but I will never again sit in the pouring rain through a 45-minute lightning delay.
I at least wanted the illusion that our receivers can catch a well-placed ball and get separation from DBs.
And there were others in previous games that could/should have been pick-6's. There were also several well-placed balls that unquestionably should have been caught.
Didn't Mett fire one to the sidelines (not touched by any player) recently, that nailed CLM on the bean? Thought I saw that happen. Brought to mind the scene in Varsity Blues wherein Mox is challenged to drill the FB into a beer can on his dad's head. Instead, he nails dad on the snot locker. Accident, right? But wait! Later on, his dad sees him laser the FB at the opposing mascot's head, decking the SOB; Mox's dad gingerly touches his bandaged nose, with a look on his face, knowing that his son had the skills to hit the can--but chose the snot locker. Was hilarious! (Can't get the video link 'cause it's in HD).