The drop in oil price is the primary reason for this problem. So, don't blame La. politicians for this.
Well then Louisiana needs to figure something out and stop relying on fossil fuels to fuel the economy.
Not true. When oil was $100 per barrel, jindal was using rainy day funds to plug budget gaps. This happened long before the plunge in oil. Oil prices have just made it worse.
The work requirement for SNAP doesn't affect the state budget. The TOPS payments does. One has nothing to do with the other.
Name one waste item that would eliminate 2.8 billion dollars. There is not a lot of fat left in state government agencies after 8 years of Jindal.
2.8 billion worth? Probably not...but I bet there's a helluva lot more than you think, for exactly the reason I was saying earlier. Most things that can be cut are constitutionally protected. Aside from that, a real effort at making cuts would at least send the message to the public that they really are doing everything they can before taking more from us.