Collins dam sure didn't diappear. 185 yards vs Mississippi State 235 yards vs Auburn (best individual performance by a Tiger I ever witnessed personally) 185 yards vs Akron 17 vs Vandy (broke leg on 3rd carry) 3 games: 69 carries 605 yards (201 per game )
I actually grew up in a family much like AttackTiger's in the sense that no one cared about anything related to LSU sports. Aside from my brother who coaches little league baseball, my immediate family doesn't care about sports in general at all. In fact, every time I come home to see my parents, my dad can't wait to rub it in my face if LSU loses a football game. It's like he thrives on the fact that it irritates me and gets some kind of perverse pleasure from it. First exposure to LSU football was the '97 game against Florida when they came into Tiger Stadium ranked #1. The rest was history and I was hooked ever since.
youre right. although he only played against one good team. he hardly had the chance to disappear. that same auburn game, btw. mealey had a better ypc avg than collins--129 on 12 rushes. looking into it, i had forgotten that faulk was out for that game and the msu game before it.
Miss. St had a pretty good defense that year. only 2 TEAMS rushed for more yards against them than Cecil did. against Auburn no TEAM came within 75 yards of what Collins did.
Reminds me. Difference between Larry Foster and Cecil Collins? Foster snatched a bag, Collins bagged a snatch. :wave:
Refresh my memory, but I also seem to remember there was an LSU player back then who got caught stealing girls' purses in the quad. Was this Larry Foster or someone else?
I still cant believe dinardo screwed up that auburn game.With cecil running all over auburn it is third and 2 ,late in the game and we hold a slim lead.I would have run cecil on 3rd down and IF they stopped it ,I would have run him on 4th down.Instead we don't run the diesel ,give the ball back to auburn and they drive for a last second game winning touchdown.That one hurt...they had no answer for Collins.