Schaffer Light is but just a notch above black label. Drank em both when there was 5 of us in a one bedroom apartment and nobody had a job. :yelwink2: Fond memories of Pearl being served up in the Astrodome in those giant cups for 2 bucks. Now that I think of it Shaffer WAS a good beer. Like better then PBR in the summer. Dont tell Tony Stewart I said that!
1st year of college, we had a trunk full of Black Label cases from K&B to only use in the funnel. It was hard to drink unless it was in a funnel. I remember the stuff was $4 a case. I haven't seen it since. We must had 10 cases of Black Label. We also had a 5 cases of K&B brand beer.....couldn't even funnel it though. But the grand daddy of the worst beer I have ever had was Dixie. Black Label was like Paulener compared to Dixie. It has to win awards yearly for worst pilsner on the planet. TA's used to serve stuff too.
Actually it was my very first beer, Dad drank it for years...I think it made a come back, at least I remember seeing some not all that long ago...may have been a test marketing thing though. Not really sure
They do. I actually picked up a six pack for 3.30 about a month ago as a joke for a friend. It wasn't good...but it wasn't all that bad either.
I thought it was pretty good back in the day, but then again, it seems like everything tasted better back then.